Today everything artificial can be designed with the same scale of sophistication as a cell, thus we should also fund businesses that build new advanced materials - for and by - nature. All of us, and not just scientists, need to ask ourselves “What would nature do?”
Already today we can start doing things that previously only nature could do. Currently, design and engineering are happening at the atomic and sub-atomic levels. Advances in nanotechnology and Nano-IoT enable nanorobotics, which applies to any industry.
Designers and finance sources need to be closely interlaced with the scientists using the “Invent, Innovate, Integrate”, methodology. This practice is not happening anywhere today.
Further to our point of thinking big, we need to fund those who think and interface with the very small, to win big. We must foment and grow businesses that rather than problem solve, they should problem seek. The payoff is that things that affect our lives day to day, will be solved by companies trying to solve the problems not yet known to us. This is the creativity and ultimately the formula to saving our planet.
Based on the above insights - why invest in a fund making money in a traditional sense? When you can have a fund, that will orchestrate cutting-edge IP and not only make money and be profitable but change the world as we know it?
The fund needs to invest in companies that have not forgotten that mother earth is our most important client.
Therefore, Spirit Ventures exist today.
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained