A new way to fund companies with active smart capital.

Without a doubt, high-impact smart capital, plus the convergence of finance, science, and technology will benefit and forever change industry and society.

We aim to fund, enable, and foment sustainable businesses, combined with the current digital transformation acceleration and applications development around connectivity will enable Spirit Group and its clients to achieve the NetZero goals. If we are to achieve the sustainability goals and climate change objectives to save our planet we need to - think and invest differently -than we do today.

Spirit Ventures aims to help enable the orchestration and democratize IP (through blockchain technology) from leading internationally recognized institutions, to solve the complex problems of tomorrow.

If we are to contribute to the climate change goals, we also must think and imagine the world 50 -100 years ahead. If we are investing purely in building things applicable to today's world, we will already be too late for capitalizing on the big things that make a difference for our planet. To make big sustainability changes in industry and society we need to think big - but also small, very small.

Even the smallest components could have the largest potential in saving our planet. Investments are needed to develop advanced materials that significantly improve the power, lifetime, and range of the batteries in electric vehicles. A million-mile battery that will last a lifetime is just around the corner, and so are advanced carbon polymers of the batteries of the future.

To understand, fund, and foment businesses with circular economies, recycling, refurbishing, and remanufacturing we must reflect on how we humans and companies are constantly shifting from one domain to another. The input from one domain becomes the output for another. Simply put, the way these domains interact with each other is crucial for reaching the best results. The methodology of “Invent, Innovate, Integrate”, will significantly improve the readiness of technology by closing the gap between science and utility.

·       Science converts Information into Knowledge

·       Engineering converts Knowledge into Utility

·       The design converts Utility into cultural Behavior and context

·       Lastly, Art takes that cultural Behavior and questions our perception of the world. 

To achieve the best results for smart capital cross-pollination amongst these domains should be closely linked. This creative flow of information is enabled through the use of our funds. More specifically using the fund’s key differentiator - the platform, where we enable the unique conduit between the scientific bodies, the key enablers of the fund, and Santander’s customer base.


Today everything artificial can be designed with the same scale of sophistication as a cell, thus we should also fund businesses that build new advanced materials - for and by - nature. All of us, and not just scientists, need to ask ourselves “What would nature do?”

Already today we can start doing things that previously only nature could do. Currently, design and engineering are happening at the atomic and sub-atomic levels. Advances in nanotechnology and Nano-IoT enable nanorobotics, which applies to any industry.

Designers and finance sources need to be closely interlaced with the scientists using the “Invent, Innovate, Integrate”, methodology. This practice is not happening anywhere today.

Further to our point of thinking big, we need to fund those who think and interface with the very small, to win big. We must foment and grow businesses that rather than problem solve, they should problem seek. The payoff is that things that affect our lives day to day, will be solved by companies trying to solve the problems not yet known to us. This is the creativity and ultimately the formula to saving our planet.

Based on the above insights - why invest in a fund making money in a traditional sense? When you can have a fund, that will orchestrate cutting-edge IP and not only make money and be profitable but change the world as we know it?

The fund needs to invest in companies that have not forgotten that mother earth is our most important client.

 Therefore, Spirit Ventures exist today.